Engaging, Inspiring, and Empowering
SEI's Energize Schools program engages, inspires, and empowers K-12 students to become environmental leaders in their communities, green their facilities, and conserve resources through hands-on learning.
Energize Your School
Register for the People and Planet Challenge to inspire change in your community.
Register for our teacher trainings to lead new climate and sustainability curriculum projects.
Participate in Green Careers Webinars to to explore green career pathways and interact with sustainability professionals.
Project-Based Sustainability Curriculum
Energize Schools curriculum engages students in sustainability projects and develops valuable career skills. Curriculum is aligned with Common Core, California Career Technical Education, and Next Generation Science Standards. Curriculum is available at no cost to teachers, by request, thanks to the generous support of our partners.
Recent Spotlight
Energize Schools received a major Community Grant from the Bay Area Air Management District for 2022-2025 to provide project-based curriculum and instructional support, empowering young people to lead environmental action campaigns and reduce air pollution in their communities.